Who We Are

We are not the stereotype of the typical Republican. We drink. We smoke. We cuss. We like The Simpsons and Family Guy, but we love South Park. We are Goldwater Girls Gone Wild and cynical punk rockers and drunk frat boys and bong-toting Burkeans and chain smoking blue collars and right-wing ravers and conservative clubbers and postmodern iconoclasts and Wall Streeters partying like it's 1982. We are metalheads and deadheads and parrotheads. Our heroes include Johnny Ramone, Jonah Goldberg, Greg Gutfeld, Hank Jr., P.J. O'Rourke, Alice Cooper, Gene Simmons, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, Ted Nugent, Neal Peart of Rush, Kid Rock, Andy Levy, Andrew Breitbart and Frank Kelly Rich. We love Ronald Reagan and PBR with straight shots, and Margaret Thatcher and fine cigars with Scotch. We often lean more libertarian than traditional conservative on certain issues, and would love to kick the ass of anyone wearing a Che t-shirt. We care a helluva lot more about a candidate's tax policy than past drug use. We are well informed on pop culture, the latest music, and Milton Friedman. We read National Review, Ayn Rand, and The Onion. Our religious beliefs range from devout to atheist, but we are more likely to be nursing a hangover on Sunday morning than in a church pew. And we are getting damn tired of people exclaiming, "YOU'RE a Republican?!?!"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nancy Pelosi--Wine, Woman and that same old liberal song

Is anyone alarmed that Nancy is third in line to the president? Can I see a show of hands please?  Anyone?  I'm sorry, are you still getting over the shock of that question?  It's okay.  It took me awhile to wrap my head around that one too.  
 What surprises me most about this presidential election is not the Jeremiah Wright Sermons, or the fact that someone wants to change my country, or a woman 2nd in line to the presidency.  What surprises me most is that this election, according to the bloated news coverage and the screams from the left, is really not about the presidency after all. Nope. This election in November is about the Vice Presidency.  We should rename it, the "Vice Presidential Election."  Has a ring to it.  I like it.  Even sounds, well, presidential.
 I have been voting for nearly 20 years and I cannot remember a time when I was so strongly encouraged and warned to carefully consider my vote for the Vice Presidential nominee. Dan Quayle was laughed off the podium for talking about that inane and ridiculous thing called "family values." Oh yes, and let us not forget the first woman VP nominee, Geraldine Ferraro............   So, hey, while we are at it, let's talk about the great Napa Valley Wine Star, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Because if we are talking about 2nd place, we should talk about 3rd place.  Potatoes, potahtoes.
9/23/08:  Nancy Pelousy, in her regally coifed manner, essentially stated,  "our current economy is the prime example of why free markets do not work."  She then chastises the Bush administration's lack of regulation and blank check policies, blah blah blah.  Nancy, Nancy, Nancy.  
 That statement  would make sense and would be true if we, the educated public, were never taught in elementary/middle school about how our government works.  GOVERNMENT 101: Congress has the authority and is responsible for the general welfare and financial and budgetary matters of the United States.   I clearly remember referring to Congress as providing checks and balances over the Executive Branch.  Furthermore, Congress has what is called "Congressional Oversight."  This oversight is usually delegated to Committees.  Allow me to list the Chairs of Certain Committees:  Chris Dodd (D), Chairman of Housing, Banking and Urban Affairs. Barney Frank (D), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and who, along with his Democratic colleagues in 2005, opposed a Republican bill that would have created an agency within the Treasury Department to provide oversight of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.  The fear of the Democrats, as explained to us by Barney, was that the bill would be taking away affordable housing from the lower and middle class, AND, as he further stated, "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are fine."   Now,  Ms. Speaker, free markets, as you loosely stated, lacked oversight,  so just where was the Congressional Oversight?  If free markets do not work, what markets do you believe, do work?

Nancy, we hear your whine; we know you know about wine.  But please, do us middle class Americans a favor and sing another song...maybe something along the lines of UB 40's Red Red Wine.  That song is old, but I can dance to it.

I am Miss Tory, and I approve of this message.  


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The Edwards Report, the right wing Onion rip-off.