Who We Are

We are not the stereotype of the typical Republican. We drink. We smoke. We cuss. We like The Simpsons and Family Guy, but we love South Park. We are Goldwater Girls Gone Wild and cynical punk rockers and drunk frat boys and bong-toting Burkeans and chain smoking blue collars and right-wing ravers and conservative clubbers and postmodern iconoclasts and Wall Streeters partying like it's 1982. We are metalheads and deadheads and parrotheads. Our heroes include Johnny Ramone, Jonah Goldberg, Greg Gutfeld, Hank Jr., P.J. O'Rourke, Alice Cooper, Gene Simmons, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, Ted Nugent, Neal Peart of Rush, Kid Rock, Andy Levy, Andrew Breitbart and Frank Kelly Rich. We love Ronald Reagan and PBR with straight shots, and Margaret Thatcher and fine cigars with Scotch. We often lean more libertarian than traditional conservative on certain issues, and would love to kick the ass of anyone wearing a Che t-shirt. We care a helluva lot more about a candidate's tax policy than past drug use. We are well informed on pop culture, the latest music, and Milton Friedman. We read National Review, Ayn Rand, and The Onion. Our religious beliefs range from devout to atheist, but we are more likely to be nursing a hangover on Sunday morning than in a church pew. And we are getting damn tired of people exclaiming, "YOU'RE a Republican?!?!"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Average Joe doesn't live on Main Street, but he will save it! Along with our polar ice caps, and Israel, too.

Tonight's debate had a resounding and very familiar sound from Senator Joe Biden. Me me me, I I I.  Watching Joe was like watching an out- of -tune, dusty aria.   Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Main Street.   Have no fear, Joe is here! Obama Shmama.  Joe knows!

Joe knows Israel!  In fact,  HE is the only senator that is best friends with Israel. Middle East Peace?  Joe's your man!
Joe knows global warming!  HE knows, with absolute certainty, that global warming is solely caused by man's hands.  Global Warming and Climate Change?  Go to Joe!

Joe knows Executive Power!   HE personally gave power to the President of the United States.  Commander in Chief didn't move until Joe said so. GI Joe to the rescue!

But let's not forget , oh no, let's not forget this very important point.....although Joe is all of these things and more, he still remains, by his own testament, an Average Joe.  Yep.  Average Joe goes to Home Depot.  Average Joe goes to the little family diner in his downtown.  Average Joe takes the train.  Average Joe knows how the people on Main Street feel and what people on Main Street need.  Joe knows! Because he is Average Joe!

Average Joe, as he stated tonight, has been able to live in a very nice house and live a very nice life because of his position as a Senator--he has held a Senatorial seat since he was 29 years old. Because of this privilege, Average Joe wants to give back to his  Main Street that he knows so well, by increasing taxes on rich people-- like himself.  It is his duty and moral obligation to tax himself, as well as others, and give this money to the poor people on Main Street--not directly to Mr. and Mrs. Main Street, but through government programs.  Now,  Joe, by his own admittance, LEFT this poor Main Street a long time ago--35 years ago under a Senatorial Umbrella.  

Does it strike any one else as odd, that Joe hasn't fixed all of these things he claims to know in the 35 years he has been living the Senatorial Main Street Life? Does it strike any else as odd,  that Joe cast his 10,000th vote in 1999, and that nearly 10 years and thousands of more votes later, he still hasn't been a successful champion of Mr. and Mrs. Main Street?  

But, I digress.....I have some Main Street questions!*

Why does Governor Palin have to defend her 'small town' up-bringing  and 'small town' leadership which is continually challenged and ridiculed by the press and media as an indication of her possible  lack of worldy insight, experience, and understanding of government?

Why does Governor Palin have to defend her service as a Main Street Mayor of the small town of Wasilla and as Governor of the state of Alaska?

...You know, that little ol' state that houses the 49th Missile Defense Batallion that is the first in line of defense of the United States. You know, that little governorship that she has where she is the Commander in Chief of the ONLY National Guard unit on permanent and active duty that, again, is first in line to defend our country from an enemies strike.  

What makes Governor Palin's Main Street so different than the Main Street Average Joe claims to know and promises to fix and fight for?  

Let me try to answer that one...

 Average Joe's Senatorial Main Street neighbors, friends, and business associates, maybe?

 Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Charles Shumer, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Franklin Raines, Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Harry Paulson, Charlie Rangel, Ted Kennedy, Asbestos Lawyers, and many, many more, are all in Joe's corner and on Joe's block.**

Some of these neighbors of Joe have had longer tenures and higher positions in the Senate.  And all of these guys, along with Joe, claim that they are going to save Main Street America.   In the 35 years the Average Joe, has been the "only one, " "the guy, " "instrumental" in many things but obviously not things to ensure that Main Street would be Ok or better than the way he left it.  Why now, Joe? What took you so long?

How many years have his liberal neighbors promised to be the Saviors of Main Street?  LONGER THAN JOE HAS BEEN A SENATOR.
 Joe thinks he knows a lot of things, but Joe doesn't know Main Street.  Joe knows how to throw money at Main Street--but if it doesn't get there--no fault of his.

But Sarah Palin, Governor Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin knows Main Street and she knows how to defend it---literally and figuratively.  She refunded money to her taxpaying voters and put it directly into their hands and, then,  watched her economy, her state, and the people prosper.  Thanks for a great debate, tonight, Sarah.  Thanks for reminding us that the heart and spirit of this country is found in Main Street America.

*at the time this blog went to print, Miss Tory does not have nor has had any plans on publishing a book in November that pertains to Sarah Palin and how she has created and shaped political opportunities for women.

**ACORN is also on Joe and Barack's block.  Their Voting Block. They are just rearranging it, changing it, and bussing people into Ohio right now to vote early and often for this election.

I am Miss Tory, and I approve of this message.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's also remind the people that AVERAGE JOE, might want to START with More Charitable Contributions!!!

The Edwards Report, the right wing Onion rip-off.