Who We Are

We are not the stereotype of the typical Republican. We drink. We smoke. We cuss. We like The Simpsons and Family Guy, but we love South Park. We are Goldwater Girls Gone Wild and cynical punk rockers and drunk frat boys and bong-toting Burkeans and chain smoking blue collars and right-wing ravers and conservative clubbers and postmodern iconoclasts and Wall Streeters partying like it's 1982. We are metalheads and deadheads and parrotheads. Our heroes include Johnny Ramone, Jonah Goldberg, Greg Gutfeld, Hank Jr., P.J. O'Rourke, Alice Cooper, Gene Simmons, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, Ted Nugent, Neal Peart of Rush, Kid Rock, Andy Levy, Andrew Breitbart and Frank Kelly Rich. We love Ronald Reagan and PBR with straight shots, and Margaret Thatcher and fine cigars with Scotch. We often lean more libertarian than traditional conservative on certain issues, and would love to kick the ass of anyone wearing a Che t-shirt. We care a helluva lot more about a candidate's tax policy than past drug use. We are well informed on pop culture, the latest music, and Milton Friedman. We read National Review, Ayn Rand, and The Onion. Our religious beliefs range from devout to atheist, but we are more likely to be nursing a hangover on Sunday morning than in a church pew. And we are getting damn tired of people exclaiming, "YOU'RE a Republican?!?!"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Buck Up, Republicans!

This election isn’t over. Despite the best efforts of the media, the Democrats, and their amoral allies such as ACORN, McCain is close and has a damn good chance of winning . . . IF WE BUCK UP. Don’t get demoralized, get pissed. Fight back. Take your anger over the Obama whores in the media and contribute and volunteer at your local Republican HQ. Take your anger over Democrat lies and arm yourself with the facts and correct the record with your neighbors and those who don’t follow politics. Take your anger over a candidate who isn’t a pure conservative and fight for him knowing he’s a great man who is a hundred times better than the alternative. With McCain, we’ll have no Fairness Doctrine, no tax increases, no Hillary Clinton on the Supreme Court, no withdrawal in defeat in the War on Terror. Republicans, the country needs you. We must fight. Now is the time to fight hard, to fight dirty, no holds barred, which can be done without sinking to the low levels of the left who use a newborn with Down ’s syndrome as a political weapon. For God’s sake, the future of this country, in fact the very idea of what we know as America, is at stake. Republicans, it is time to kick some ass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely - what irritates me the most is this ROLL OVER and play DEAD!!! Let's not do that till it's over - and we MAY win ... so we won't have to do that!!! Geez! Buck up as you say!!! Good one!

The Edwards Report, the right wing Onion rip-off.