Who We Are

We are not the stereotype of the typical Republican. We drink. We smoke. We cuss. We like The Simpsons and Family Guy, but we love South Park. We are Goldwater Girls Gone Wild and cynical punk rockers and drunk frat boys and bong-toting Burkeans and chain smoking blue collars and right-wing ravers and conservative clubbers and postmodern iconoclasts and Wall Streeters partying like it's 1982. We are metalheads and deadheads and parrotheads. Our heroes include Johnny Ramone, Jonah Goldberg, Greg Gutfeld, Hank Jr., P.J. O'Rourke, Alice Cooper, Gene Simmons, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, Ted Nugent, Neal Peart of Rush, Kid Rock, Andy Levy, Andrew Breitbart and Frank Kelly Rich. We love Ronald Reagan and PBR with straight shots, and Margaret Thatcher and fine cigars with Scotch. We often lean more libertarian than traditional conservative on certain issues, and would love to kick the ass of anyone wearing a Che t-shirt. We care a helluva lot more about a candidate's tax policy than past drug use. We are well informed on pop culture, the latest music, and Milton Friedman. We read National Review, Ayn Rand, and The Onion. Our religious beliefs range from devout to atheist, but we are more likely to be nursing a hangover on Sunday morning than in a church pew. And we are getting damn tired of people exclaiming, "YOU'RE a Republican?!?!"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Hi there.

I just want you to take one moment and read this to yourself or aloud. Either way you read it, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that when you read this, you dig deep and ask yourself, "What do I know and What do I believe?"

imagine if a woman, an ivy league educated student, a potential American leader, referred to America as ignorant. Referred to YOU as fearful, ignorant, and unitelligent because you were an American student. Imagine that she says that "Ignorance is America."


Imagine that your spiritual advisor, for 20 years of your life, spewed hate against other races, and repeated in his Sunday Sermon, " God Damn America. Not God Bless America. GOD DAMN America....America's chickens have come home to roost."


Imagine if your professor had bombed people's homes and government buildings and spent time in prison. Imagine him saying, after being released from prison and getting a professorship, that he wished he had bombed more and done more. Imagine if this professor was nominated as your city's citizen of the year and then imagine that he worked diligently alongside a future presidential nominee. Imagine them working to create alternative education and beliefs within your city's public schools. Imagine if this man, this professor, this "citizen of the year" said that he "hated capatilism."


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjcS6QFtn_g (listen to only the first 15 secs of the interview).

Imagine if you thought that your views were greater than a national symbol.



Imagine if you were told time and time again that you were a part of a failure instead of an opportunity for success.


Would you have hope?

Would you believe them?

OR would you know better.



I am Miss Tory, and I approve of this message.

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The Edwards Report, the right wing Onion rip-off.